Technology Information Confederation Africa (TICON Africa), the leading Pan-African ICT professional body dedicated to advancing knowledge, education, and collaboration for technology professionals across the African continent, is proud to present our 2nd Annual TICON
Africa Conference, hosted in partnership with the ICT Association of Kenya (ICTAK).
TICON Africa serves as a unifying platform for ICT professionals across Africa, aimed at promoting excellence in technology through education, networking, and collaboration among our members. Our goal is to bring together a community of like-minded proffessionals who share a passion for advancing technology and driving innovation in Africa.
This conference will be held in tandem with the African Marketing Confederation Conference 2024, co-hosted by the Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK).
Theme: Advancing ICT Solutions for Sustainable Development in Africa
This theme highlights how African ICT can address unique challenges for economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.
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- Information Communication Technology Association of Kenya (ICTAK)
- Account Number: 110 427 6291,
- Kenya Commercial Bank,
- University Way Branch